David Holloway answers these questions by tracing the dramatic story of Soviet nuclear policy from developments in physics in the 1920s to the testing of the hydrogen bomb and the emergence of nuclear deterrence in the mid-1950s.
You will soon notice why this book has brought swift and glaring criticism from the law enforcement and psychological fields; as it allows the reader a killers first hand view; unlike anything you have ever experienced, or may ever wish to ...
This interdisciplinary study of how 9/11 and the 'war on terror' were represented during the Bush era, shows how culture often functioned as a vital resource, for citizens attempting to make sense of momentous historical events that ...
Can't afford to buy a dream home? Why not create one with the home already own? Whether you want make cosmetic changes or practical alterations, this book will give you all the information you need.
Schmitthoff's Export Trade, now in its thirteenth edition, is the leading text in the field of international trade law and provides the reader with a comprehensive treatment of the subject including the sale of goods, finance and ...
This reference work, now in its 11th edition, covers the complex area of international export trade law. Carole Murray has rationalized the chapter content of previous editions and brought the text up-to-date.
Contains 122 unannotated abstracts on simulation models, geographic information systems (GIS) and nonpoint-source water pollution in agriculture. Includes subject and author indices.